
Artina McCain – Who’s That? Creating a New Standard Repertoire

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Professional Development Workshops

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Teaching underrepresented composers is experiencing a renaissance. As trendy as it may be, this is not a new topic. While works of females and Black composers have been discussed for decades, there seems to be a disconnect between individual research and what we see represented in our student auditions, concert halls, and competition programming. In this session, we will learn how to pair “new” pieces with standard programming for intermediate through advanced repertoire.

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Thursday, April 21, 2022, 10:30am

Yamaha Artist Services
689 5th Ave # 3, New York, NY 10022


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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”38px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Described as a pianist with “power and finesse” (Dallas Arts Society), “beautiful and fiery” (KMFA Austin) and having a “sense of color, balance and texture” (Austin Chamber Music Center), Artina McCain has built a three-fold career as a performer, educator and speaker. Recent performance highlights include guest appearances with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Oregon East Symphony, and the Memphis Symphony Orchestra. As a recitalist, her credits include performances at the Mahidol University in Bangkok, Hatch Recital Hall in Rochester, Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens in Jacksonville, FL and the Desoto Arts Commission in Desoto,TX. In 2022, she will have her debut at Wigmore Hall in London performing the works of Fred O.

McCain’s performances have been heard on radio CKWR Toronto, KMFA Classical Austin, and Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). Television appearances include features on CSPAN for the MLK 50 Commemoration. McCain is a three-time Global Music Awards winner including collaborative projects “I, Too” (Naxos), with soprano Icy Monroe, focused on African American Spirituals and Art Songs, and “Shades,” a collaboration with her husband and duo partner Martin McCain.

Dedicated to promoting the works of Black and other underrepresented composers, McCain curates Black Composers Concerts for multiple arts organizations and is an American Prize winner for her solo piano recordings of these works and won a Gold Global Music Award for her recent album project, “Heritage.” She has also won performance awards for curating the Austin Chamber Music Centers’ Black Composers Concert from the Austin Critics Table. In 2021, Hal Leonard will publish her transcriptions of African American Folk Songs.

McCain was a featured inspirational leader in the award-winning PBS documentary series Roadtrip Nation: Degree of Impact in an episode exploring the real-world impact of professionals with doctoral degrees in and outside of academia.

After years of battling a performance injury and now enjoying 10 years of full recovery, McCain is an advocate for musicians’ wellness. Her article on performance injury and Muscle Activation Techniques was published in Clavier Companion and she is a regular contributor for Piano Magazine. To help other musicians, she hosts an annual Musicians Wellness Forum in Austin, TX which explores the benefits and options for alternative care. McCain has presented on these topics and others at the Music Teachers National Association Conference and the National Conference of Keyboard Pedagogy.

McCain has performed and served on the faculty of numerous summer festivals including the Austin Chamber Music Festival, the Illinois Summer Youth Music, the Gateways Music Festival in Rochester, NY, and the Walled City Music International Piano Festival and Competition in Ireland. McCain graduated cum laude from Southern Methodist University. She received her Master of Music from Cleveland Institute of Music and holds a doctoral degree from the University of Texas at Austin.

Currently, she is Assistant Professor of Piano and Coordinator of Keyboard Studies at the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music at the University of Memphis, and Co-Founder/Director of the Memphis International Piano Festival and Competition.

Artina McCain is a Yamaha Artist.


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